[Cultural Currents]

Ian Brown

Photographer Ian Brown offers us through-the-lens observations of the terrain surrounding his home in Prince Edward County. As a title for this new work, Brown quotes “All the sun long it was running,” from “Fern Hill” by 20th century bard Dylan Thomas, in which the poet contemplates life’s moments through a child’s eyes. Brown, open to similar freedoms, seizes each take of the lens with matching enthusiasm. This recent series diverges from the photographer’s established oeuvre where he has employed the camera to document the human condition in individual circumstances and settings. Brown credits the pre-digital era as a major influence. “I found that learning the technical aspects of shooting on film negative, followed by the alchemy of darkroom processing, instills a sense of economy into how one approaches taking pictures. It’s about stopping to observe the quiet moments that go unnoticed.” He also adds that “photography draws you into being present, focusing – as in meditation itself.”

Ian Brown, whose life calling has been to record moments of time, summarizes by expressing “whatever gifts we have been handed, we have an obligation to honour.”

Ian Brown’s recent work is on display in the Barlow Room at the Royal Hotel until June 30th.


Story by:
Conrad Beaubien

[Summer 2024 departments]