
Destination ‘I Do’

Couples looking for an unforgettable wedding spot, offering a mix of cinematic country vistas and iconic architecture are falling for our region’s charming locations.…

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A Fierce Flame

Ever since the days of Florence Nightingale, “The Lady with the Lamp,” the image of nurses as bringers of light to dark times has been one of the strongest symbols in healthcare. Does the light still shine?…

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Second Time Around

Out with the drab and careworn. Thrift stores today are bright and colourful and sell everything from workwear to Armani. And there are more of them around than ever.…

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Blue Violin – Perseverance in Preservation

A breathtaking building restoration by two artisan developers, intrepid antique dealers, collectors and musicians, resonates in the heart of downtown Belleville.…

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[Fence Posts]

The Money Pit

When my wife and I moved here to live full-time on our country property, my neighbour Hughie McKee, the farmer next door, came over to inspect the foundation that the backhoe had just dug to prepare for an addition to our century farmhouse…

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[Must, Must, Must]

What’s New and What’s To Do

Our Must, Must, Must section highlights a broad range of events, festivals, activities and galleries that contribute to the diverse character of the Watershed region

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[Cultural Currents]

Kerri Healey

The farm fields and apple orchards around the Newcastle area where Kerri Healey grew up gave her a unique appreciation of the rustic natural beauty in a pine cone, a single acorn, an apple tree branch or fallen leaves on moss.…

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[Beyond the Garden Gate]

The Little Horse of Iron

The sturdy little equine can pull its weight with the best in the world. So why are there so few of them around?…

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[Local History]

Kitty Cannell

She lived an exotic life, especially for someone born in the Victorian era. Married, divorced, married again and childless, Kathleen “Kitty” Cannell (née Eaton)…

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[Lovin' the Local]

A Showcase Of Locally Curated Products

We’re Lovin’ the Local: A showcase of locally made and locally inspired products that reflect the heart and soul of entrepreneurs rooted in Watershed Country

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[Watershed Presents]

Ten Thousand Villages in One Town

A connected community has enabled a local fair trade organization to reach its 15-year milestone so it can continue to support artisans around the world.…

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Net Zero Neighbourhood

Habitat Northumberland’s newest development focuses on affordable housing with sustainability as a priority…

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[George's Pond]

How Did We Survive?

Don’t misunderstand me, if I had young kids today, I would do everything possible to protect them from all the dangers that this unpredictable world can place them in.…

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[Day Tripping]

A Day Trip to Trenton

Once a thriving film studio town where silent movie pilots soared across the silver screen, Trenton is now home to real Royal Canadian Air Force pilots…

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[Joie De Vivre]

A Visionary of Peace and Happiness

Colette Baron-Reid has brought her blithe spirit to find rest and rejuvenation among the hills in our part of the world.…

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[Life Au Lait]

Chasing Sugar with Jesse Fader

We’re standing in a small clearing in the back forty of Chef Jesse Fader’s mom’s Point Petre property. It’s the site of a new sugar shack…

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[In the Hood]

Pushing Boundaries with Rob Kempson

Rob Kempson imagines a bold new future for Port Hope’s famous theatrical landmark.…

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[Small Biz Spotlight]

Three Business Owners and Their Formulas for Success

After everything we’ve been through in the past few years, we’re all a little more conscious about our health…

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Wildlife Ponds: the Next Wave of Naturalization

A wildlife pond can be a gift to your property’s ecosystem that can support everything from waterfowl to frogs and salamanders.…

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[Watershed Presents]

Tribute to Glenn McLeod

Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets, but humbler folk may circumvent this restriction if they know how.…

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[Field Notes]

Quoth the Raven: I’m Back!

There’s seldom a day that totally defines a season, but a particular spring morning in the first week of May 1995 had everything that buoyed the spirit and soothed…

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[Food & Drink Scene]

A Landmark Destination

At The Waring House Restaurant and Inn, Chef David Correa delivers sustainable farm-to-table County cuisine.…

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[Follow The Food]

Watershed is on the road

A Local Foodie’s Travel Notes…

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Barbacoa Boyz

From his small food wagon in Quinte West, pitmaster Jamie Beeston plays with fire, creating authentic tastes of the Caribbean – with a Canadian spin.…

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Rural Mail Delivery

In the early 1900s, all the mail from larger centres arrived in Colborne – the epicentre of Cramahe Township – by rail, principally by the Grand Trunk Railway.…

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[first words]

Most people I know are glad to be rid of the snow and the winter weather, happy to watch their daffodils and crocuses push up through the soil into the spring sunshine. Me? I’m still hoping to squeeze a little more skiing in before Easter.…

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SHARING IS CARING I read every word and love your magazine, then pass it on to my friend who also thinks it’s the best magazine out there, much appreciated!…

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Christine Reid

With a keen eye for detail and a strong obsession with natural light, Christine has spent over 15 years creating and documenting some of life’s biggest moments.…

Marie-Lynn Hammond

A founding member of Stringband, one of Canada’s seminal folk groups and indie-record pioneers, Marie-Lynn is known for her original songs, which often tell uniquely Canadian stories…

Alison McGill

An award-winning editor, writer, creative producer, brand strategist and podcast host, Alison is also the former Editor-In-Chief of Weddingbells, Fashion18 and Salon Magazine.…

[full magazine]